If You Were Beatrice or Benedick

Shakespeare'south uproarious comedy,Much Ado Almost Nothing, is a rollicking story full of goofy clowns, star-crossed lovers and some deliciously wicked villains. The play takes place in Messina, on the island of Sicily, in Italy and centers around the family and friends of Leonato, governor of Messina.

As the play begins, Leonato receives word of budgeted visitors, returning home from war: Don Pedro, Prince of Aragon and his officers Claudio of Florence and Benedick of Padua. Also arriving is Don Pedro'southward bastard brother Don John, who comes as a prisoner, having led an unsuccessful rebellion against his blood brother the Prince. When the triumphant soliders arrive, they are jovially greeted by Leonato, his girl Hero, his niece Beatrice and others. But information technology is Benedick who livens things upwardly with a few 'off color' jokes which provoke Beatrice to step in, with: 'I wonder that you will however be talking, Signior Benedick: nobody marks you.' To which the equally quick-witted Benedick replies "My dear Lady Distain, are you however living?" Thus the audience captures a first (but certainly not the terminal!) glance at the 'merry state of war' between these two sharp-witted protagonists!

Leonato invites his guests to stay for a month. Don Pedro heartily agrees and anybody goes inside – except Claudio, who stops Benedick to shyly ask "didst thou note the girl of Senior Leonato?" Young Claudio has been eyeing the minor lady Hero and has quite fallen in love with her! Benedick mocks Claudio for falling in love, simply when Don Pedro returns, the Prince agrees Hero and Claudio would make a good match and he offers to help. As Claudio is shy, Don Pedro proposes to woo Hero in Claudio's name at a masked ball that volition accept identify later that night. Says the Prince: "And the conclusion is, she shall be thine. In practice let us put information technology presently."

At present we get to the antagonists of the story – Conrad and Borachio, who are loyal to Don John. Don John tells us outright: "It must not be denied but I am a plain-dealing villain." Borachio has overheard the discussion of a wedlock between Hero and Claudio and suggests they try to thwart the appointment. Don John heartily agrees to anything that volition make mischief for his enemies.

Meanwhile, Leonato's firm is a flurry of excitement equally everyone prepares for the masked ball. Don Pedro and his entourage arrive masked and at that place is high-spirited dancing. Truthful to his discussion, Don Pedro woos Hero in Claudio's proper noun. Of course, information technology doesn't take long for Beatrice and Benedick to go at information technology again, using their masks as a convenient facade to insult each other.

As the dancing concludes, Don John, who has been waiting for his moment, approaches Claudio, pretending to recognize him as Benedick. Don John deliberately plants a seed of doubt in Claudio'due south heed that perchance…simply maybe…Don Pedro is wooing Hero for himself! Claudio is hands persuaded, but before too much impairment can be done, Don Pedro returns with "Here, Claudio, I take wooed in thy proper noun, and fair Hero is won; name the day of spousal relationship and God give thee joy!" At start the jealous Claudio thinks the Prince has won Hero for himself, merely soon he realizes that Hero has agreed to exist his married woman and has the consent of her male parent to the match.

Everyone congratulates the couple, as Beatrice, to everyone's surprise, bemoans her own lack-of-husband! Don Pedro asks Beatrice if she would consider him as a suitable spouse, and she, comparison him to fancy clothes, replies that he would be also valuable for her to 'wear' every day. As she leaves, Don Pedro exclaims "She were an first-class wife for Benedick" to which Leonato replies 'Oh, my lord, if they were simply a week married, they would talk themselves mad.' Don Pedro hatches a plot to assistance the two sparring wits fall in dear: "if nosotros can do this, Cupid's glory shall be ours, for we are the only beloved-gods!" At present Don John, having been thwarted in his first attempt at mischief, tells Borachio "whatsoever bar, whatever cross, any impediment would exist medicinable to me." Borachio has a new programme, which he lays out in detail. Borachio has been flirting with Hero's friend, Margaret; he proposes to woo Margaret at Hero's chamber-window and brand Claudio believe that he is wooing an amenable Hero. Claudio, seeing this, will think that Hero is being disloyal to him with Borachio. Of class, subsequently this Claudio would never ally her!

Simply, this is a comedy after all, so before that happens, Don Pedro, Leonato, and Claudio find Benedick lone, extolling the virtues of his imaginary-perfect-married woman. They accept the opportunity to talk where Benedick cannot aid but eavesdrop them. Don Pedro gets the ball rolling by asking, loudly: "What was it you told me the other day – that your niece Beatrice was in love with signior Benedick?" Knowing they now accept Benedick's undivided attending, Leonato and Claudio confirm that Hero has told them Beatrice is so in love with Benedick that she will certainly die of grief if he does not return her love. Celebrating their own ingenuity, the gentlemen go out Benedick lone to his own thoughts: 'Dearest me! Why it must be requited!'

Now that Benedick is defenseless in the cyberspace that has been spread for him, it is Hero'south turn to lay the same trap for Beatrice. Hero sends a messenger to tell Beatrice that Hero is talking about her behind her back, and, of grade, Beatrice comes to listen in on the conversation. Timing things just perfectly, Ursula says: 'Only are you sure that Benedick loves Beatrice so entirely?' Hero replies: 'And then says the prince, and my new-trothed lord; but I persuaded them, if they loved Benedick, never to let Beatrice know of information technology. I never yet saw a homo, how wise, how noble merely she would spell him astern." And so, after extolling the virtues of Benedick and giggling over their own genius, the ladies go in to prepare for Hero'south wedding, scheduled for the next day's. Lone, Beatrice, exclaims: 'Benedick, love on! '

So now, both Beatrice and Benedick accept fallen for the trap – both think the other is in beloved with them and vow to render that love in kind. Merely the nuptials of Hero and Claudio fast-approaches, and the men-folk enjoy the frivolity of the day – until Don John approaches them. Don John is blunt: "I came hither to tell you, the lady is disloyal." Naturally, Claudio and Don Pedro are not convinced, just Don John, according to Borachio's plan, invites them to join him nether Hero'due south chamber-window to see 'proof' of this disloyalty. Nevertheless uncertain, but swayed past Don John's insistence, Claudio concludes "If I encounter whatsoever thing to-night why I should not ally her to-morrow in the congregation, where I should wed, there will I shame her." And, sadly, because of Borachio's scheming, Claudio believes he sees Hero with another man and his love for the innocent Hero converts to ill-conceived hatred.

Only all is not lost. Not yet! Enter Dogberry, the utterly inept, but wholly hilarious constable of the town who comes to charge the nighttime watchmen in their duties – that is to await for mischief around Leonato's house, as there is quite the hubbub with preparations for the wedding! With him are his side-kicking, Verges and several members of the night-watch including Hugh Otecake and George Seacole, who, non being the brightest crayons in the box, ask: "If we know {someone} to be a thief, shall nosotros not lay hands on him? Dogberry, truthful to form, responds " Truly, by your part, you may, merely I call back the nearly peacable style for you, if you do take a thief, is to allow him evidence himself what he is and steal out of your visitor!" Dogberry and Verges leave the watch, who settle in for a proficient nap (for, equally Dogberry says "I cannot meet how sleeping should offend!") But who should come stumbling by simply Conrad and his drunken pal, Borachio, who bragging, spills the whole story: "I have to-nighttime wooed Margaret, the Lady Hero's gentlewoman, by the proper noun of Hero; the prince, Claudio and my chief saw afar off in the orchard this amiable encounter. Away went Claudio, enraged: swore he would shame her with what he saw o'er night and send her home again without a hubby." The Spotter leap out of hiding and the bad guys are carted off in search of justice.

The adjacent day, the ladies prepare for the wedding. Beatrice arrives, love-ill from head to toe, and is teased mercilessly past Margaret who declares "I am not such a fool to think that you are in love or that you lot will be in dear or that you tin be in love." The conversation is cutting curt as the men arrived to escort the ladies to church for the wedding. Brace yourselves – this won't be pretty.

Claudio and Hero come before a Friar and the whole congregation, and when asked if he will marry Hero, Claudio, passionately proclaims that Hero has been untrue. When Leonato demands proof, Don Pedro says simply: "Upon mine honour, / Myself, my brother and this grieved count / Did see her, hear her, at that hour terminal dark / Talk with a ruffian at her chamber-window / Who hath indeed, most like a liberal villain, / Confess'd the vile encounters they have had / A thousand times in secret. ' Center-struck, Hero swoons and falls to the basis. Don Pedro and Claudio (with Don John, reveling in his wickedness) leave, total of righteous indignation. Poor Leonato – he believes the story of his child's shame and information technology is inconsolable, even as Beatrice and Benedick insist upon Hero's innocence. It is the Friar who steps in to brand all well again. As Hero appears to have died of shame, the Friar counsels Leonato to report that Hero is expressionless indeed while they search for the truth in the story the Prince has told. Leonato consents, and the Friar leads Hero away with: "Come, lady, dice to live; this nuptials-solar day maybe is simply prolong'd: have patience and endure."

Beatrice and Benedick remain lone, all thoughts of merriment banished by Hero'south predicament. Somewhat uncomfortably, they each declare their love for the other. Benedick offers to show his love to Beatrice, with: 'Come, bid me do annihilation for yous.' Beatrice responds with: 'Kill Claudio.' When Benedick protests he cannot impale his friend, Beatrice announces: 'Is non Claudio a villain, that has slandered, scorned, and dishonored my cousin? O, God, that I were a man! I would eat his heart in the market." Benedick, seeing her mind is gear up, agrees: 'I am engaged; I volition challenge him. Past this paw, Claudio shall render me a love account!'

At present nosotros motion to a local jail, where Dogberry and Verges take rounded up a approximate and are attempting to reveal the truth – in their ain peculiar ways. The Watch reveal what they overheard, and Dogberry proclaims "Villian! M wilt be condemned into everlasting redemption for this!" (you read right…he says redemption.) Dogberry calls for Borachio and Conrad to be leap, just before they can exist, Conrad looks at Dogberry and declares…"you are an ass!" Dogberry's proud response: 'Masters, remember that I am an / ass; though it exist not written downwardly, yet forget not / that I am an ass!'

Meantime, Don Pedro and Claudio find themselves in the uncomfortable position of standing alone in their indignation; that is, until Dogberry and Verges make it with Borachio and Conrad in tow. Borachio makes a full confession and proclaims Hero innocent, Margaret blameless, and Don John as the villain who paid him to acquit out the plot. The truth is out. Leonato arrives and vents his wrath on Claudio and Don Pedro, who are overwhelmed with what they take done and agree to any penance Leonato will name. Leonato states: "And since you could not be my son-in-constabulary, Exist yet my nephew: my brother hath a girl, Virtually the copy of my child that'due south dead; and she lonely is heir to both of us." Claudio agrees to marry this mysterious cousin and they concur to come across the next day, after Claudio has spent the night mourning Hero's death. Leonato cheers Dogberry for his sleuthing and all depart.

Now we go far at the final scene of the play. Leonato's house is preparing for this second hymeneals, and when Don Pedro and Claudio arrive, the tension could be cut with a pocketknife. Several ladies appear, masked and unrecognizable. Agreement his duty, Claudio asks: "Which is the lady I must seize upon?" Leonato indicates one of the maidens and Claudio swears to marry her, claiming he is her hubby if she will have him. The mysterious woman answers: "And when I lived, I was your other married woman: And when you loved, you were my other husband." She pulls off her mask revealing that information technology is none other than the innocent Hero! Claudio is forgiven and all is correct with the world. The young lovers are fix to go on the nuptials celebration when Benedick steps forward, slyly asking which of the masked maidens is Beatrice. Benedick asks "Practise not you honey me?" and the embarrassed Beatrice replies "Why no; no more than reason." So Beatrice asks him "Practise not you love me?" and he replies in kind. Every bit the romantically inept couple effort to maintain their dignity, Claudio and Hero pull out letters, written by Beatrice and Benedick, each declaring their love for each other. The merry-witted couple has been trumped – they realize the dear they share is more important than their injured pride.

And then, the two mad wits and the two young lovers are united at terminal. Don John has been captured for his villainy. Merely the merry mood of the solar day is not to be destroyed, and Benedick concludes the story with: "Call back not on him till tomorrow: I'll devise thee brave punishments for him. Strike up pipers!"

– Written by Kate Magill for the Marin Shakespeare Company


Source: https://www.marinshakespeare.org/story-of-the-plays/much-ado-about-nothing-story-of-the-play/

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